Lucidelix Ketamine Therapy

Lucidelix Ketamine Therapy

Lucidelix Ketamine Therapy

Unlock Inner Healing and Transformative Journeys With Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Unlock Inner Healing and Transformative Journeys With Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Find Inner Healing and Transformative Journeys With Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Proven to reduce symptoms in Anxiety & Depression

Proven to reduce symptoms in Anxiety & Depression

Proven to reduce symptoms in Anxiety & Depression

Provides rapid and profound relief to PTSD sufferers

Provides rapid and profound relief to PTSD sufferers

Provides rapid and profound relief to PTSD sufferers

Reduces cravings/alcohol consumption. Increases abstinence rates

Reduces cravings and alcohol consumption

Reduces cravings/alcohol consumption.

Why Ketamine-Assisted Therapy?

One of the most significant advantages of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is its rapid efficacy. While traditional treatments may take weeks to show results, Ketamine-Assisted Therapy often provides relief after just a few sessions. It's a break-through for people transitioning from anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications to a life free from long-term prescriptions.

One of the most significant advantages of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is its rapid efficacy. While traditional treatments may take weeks to show results, Ketamine-Assisted Therapy often provides relief after just a few sessions. It's a break-through for people transitioning from anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications to a life free from long-term prescriptions.

Overcome Anxiety

30% reduction in anxiety symptoms.

Ditch Depression

50% improvement in symptoms.

Rewire Your Brain

Reduce negative thought patterns.



Complete The Clinical Assessment

To Determine If It's Right For You

You'll start with quick assessment to see if psychedelic therapy is right for you. If you qualify, you'll book your remote telehealth consultation with our prescribing clinician. This is a non-refundable fee of $175 for the visit.



Prescription Is Issued

And Shipped To Your Door

After your clinician consult, you will complete the paperwork and pay for the ketamine-assisted therapy package. Upon purchase your clinician will ship your prescription right to your door.

Guided Sessions, and Integration

To Enhance Your Experience

Under the expert guidance of our trained facilitators, you can explore transformative insights and emotional release within a nurturing environment. You'll be guided in your experiences and will complete integration sessions following your experiences.


Read Real Customer Reviews

Read Real Customer Reviews

Honest Feedback from Satisfied Users

Honest Feedback from Satisfied Users

Perfect for showcasing

The high-resolution quality is unbeatable. Made my app presentations look incredibly professional and realistic.

Mary Barra

General Motors


Perfect for showcasing

Downloading was a breeze and customization took minutes. Really lifted the level of my portfolio.

Ginni Rometty

IBM (Former CEO)


Perfect for showcasing

As a designer, these iPhone mockups have become my go-to resource. They're quick to edit and look fantastic.

Marillyn Hewson

Lockheed Martin CEO


Perfect for showcasing

These mockups save me so much time. I can focus more on development and less on presentation design.

Adena Friedman,



Perfect for showcasing

The variety of angles and settings available is impressive. Provides a comprehensive showcase for any app.

Corie Barry

Best Buy


Perfect for showcasing

I was amazed at how simple it was to insert my own designs. The end result looked like a high-end photo shoot.

Roz Brewer

CEO at Alliance


Perfect for showcasing

Highly recommend for start-ups. Gives a polished, realistic feel to investor pitches without much effort.

Elon Musk

Tesla and SpaceX


Perfect for showcasing

The mockups are crisp and clear, making my app’s features stand out beautifully. Well worth the investment.

Jane Doe

CEO at Airbnb


Perfect for showcasing

Easy to manipulate and the final render looks great. These mockups have added value to my client proposals.

Marc Benioff

CEO at Salesforce
